Residential Waste Glass Collection Station

With the roll-out of more waste types for domestic waste collection, it has become apparent that some domestic locations (in particular – multi-unit dwellings) lack the space to store additional bins, both when stored on the property, and when rolled out ready for collection on the roadside.

Merri-Bek City Council recently overcame this problem by facilitating a series of waste collection points across the municipality to collect domestic glass waste. To evaluate and monitor the initial establishment of the glass waste disposal points, Merri-Bek City Council enlisted the services of Reground, a pro-circular economy social enterprise to conduct the trial over a ten-week period. The eventual findings in their report pointed to acceptably low contamination rates, and high utilisation rates.

This all pointed to a successful roll-out. In fact, the entire 4-bin roll-out project won a national award – the Outstanding Waste and Resource Recovery Metro Project at the National 2023 Waste Innovation & Recycling Awards.

Bin Corrals Make Great Waste Collection Points

Public Placed FOGO BinsThe surveys that were conducted by Reground also revealed users thought the stations could be presented better and include larger, clearer and sturdier signage. The City of Stonington had previously trialled a similar waste collection point for FOGO waste utilising Wheelie Bin Corrals. This program also needed domestic waste collection points for multi-unit dwellings, allowing the residents to drop-off their FOGO bypassing the need for a wheelie bin for each household. Noted for its presentation, Draffin Street Furniture’s Wheelie Bin Corral was chosen to upgrade the appearance of Meri-Bek’s Glass Collection Stations.
The Wheelie Bin Corral provides a sturdy platform that secures multiple wheelie bins neatly within a frame that includes a large custom sign, in this case, packed with all the information needed to correctly use the waste station including the waste type and what can and cannot be placed in the bin. Larger signage provides enough space to clearly include all the important information and can even educate the reader of what becomes of the waste resource once it is collected and processed.

Wheelie Bin CorralOptions

Wheelie Bin Corrals can be tailored to suit your application, with two to four bays (wheelie bins), your own signage artwork to get the message across, wheelie bin lid restrictors to limit how wide the wheelie bin lid opens, and either padlock compatibility or 8mm tri-lock security. Just one lock secures the entire wheelie bin array.

This cost-effective solution can be made from a variety of materials including galvanised mild steel and stainless steels, with galvanised mild steel having the option to be powdercoated in the colour of your choice.


See the Wheelie Bin Corral Product Page

Like any product from Draffin Street Furniture, we can customise Wheelie Bin Corrals to suit your application. Talk to our sales team to discuss further custom options for the Wheelie Bin Corral. 

Draffin Street Furniture