Draffin Street Furniture dedicate considerable time into designing public furniture that is dependable and “Built to Last”. Hub Bin Surrounds are the latest in the line of well-designed bin surrounds made for the Australian public. Having many successful bin surround designs already installed and in-use throughout Australia, (some have been in service for over three decades!), Draffin Street Furniture have learnt what makes a truly dependable bin surround.
The Hub Bin Surround is the culmination of all the best and most innovative features from all bin surrounds at Draffin Street Furniture. Using this design brief and having many decades of experience the design team quickly listed off what made a great bin surround and set about packing these features into Hub’s design.
From a manufacturing point of view, it was important to also ensure they were quicker and more efficient to manufacture, so new manufacturing processes were adopted. These processes changed significantly at the assembly stage, with the assembly team already altering the traditional method of assembly for all products to a more streamlined progression. The Hub bin series is the first new product line designed specifically with this new process in mind at the design stage.