Hub Bin Surrounds

Dual Opening Bin Surround

Draffin Street Furniture dedicate considerable time into designing public furniture that is dependable and “Built to Last”. Hub Bin Surrounds are the latest in the line of well-designed bin surrounds made for the Australian public. Having many successful bin surround designs already installed and in-use throughout Australia, (some have been in service for over three decades!), Draffin Street Furniture have learnt what makes a truly dependable bin surround. 

The Hub Bin Surround is the culmination of all the best and most innovative features from all bin surrounds at Draffin Street Furniture. Using this design brief and having many decades of experience the design team quickly listed off what made a great bin surround and set about packing these features into Hub’s design.

From a manufacturing point of view, it was important to also ensure they were quicker and more efficient to manufacture, so new manufacturing processes were adopted. These processes changed significantly at the assembly stage, with the assembly team already altering the traditional method of assembly for all products to a more streamlined progression. The Hub bin series is the first new product line designed specifically with this new process in mind at the design stage.

Multi Waste Bin Enclosures

Hub Bin Surrounds have a strengthened monocoque design, guided rubbish chutes and a solid base both for easy surface mounting and ensuring waste stays inside the enclosure.


Take a look at these features up close:
Bin surround with floor

A solid base is included in all Hub Bin Surrounds. This facilitates several purposes:

  1. Strong base to build upon – The base ensures assembly of the Hub Bin Surround structure is rigid from the ground up.
  2. Encapsulates waste inside the bin surround – Should waste fall down the side of the internally placed wheelie bin, it will not spill back outside of the enclosure. Ensuring what is placed in the bin, stays in the bin.
  3. Easy Surface Mounting – Feet and ground anchor fixings can be located further away from the base outer edge providing a strong yet “floating” appearance.

Draffin’s proprietary level adjustable foot is employed for easy installation. Constructed from solid brass and high strength ABS, the adjustable feet allow the bin to be levelled on site prior to fixing down. Once the bin is levelled, a masonry fixing simply inserts straight through the feet into the concrete for easy installation.

The level adjustable foot has previously only been offered in high-end bin surrounds like our 888 series, and numerous custom-made council specific bin surround designs. Noted for its ease of installation and maintaining a square bin structure once fixed, the feature was included in Hub’s design brief.

Hub’s monocoque body design is a little lighter in weight and provides a more efficient manufacturing process, and without internal framing it also allows for better interior space utilization. Because of this, Hub bin surrounds have a slightly smaller footprint than some wheelie bin surrounds.

The monocoque body design also ensures true alignment of the door once the bin surround is installed.

Made from folded 2mm sheet metal, Hub is very heavy-duty in construction. Panels can be made in zinc plated mild steel or 304 and 316 grade stainless steel.

Panels are laser-cut and folded to shape before welding, then each panel is powdercoated or polished before the entire structure is securely assembled. 

Hub’s guided rubbish chute designs have been paid particular attention to. Extra lengths have been taken to ensure rubbish placed in the opening proceeds directly to the wheelie bin inside.

This ensures significantly less rogue rubbish ends up at the bottom of the bin surround. This combined with the solid base makes Hub one of the easiest bin surrounds to service or exchange wheelie bins with.

Hub bin surrounds are more hygienic in this manner, making them ideal for indoor and food court applications, leaving little to no mess.

Hub Bin Surrounds

Options and Features

  1. 01.

    120lt and 240lt Wheelie Bin EnclosuresMost commonly, Hub Bin Surrounds are available in 120lt and 240lt sizes, but with small internal alterations they can cater for wheelie bin sizes including 80lt and 140lt.

  2. 02.

    Panel options include perforations on mild or stainless steel.

    Perforations are primarily used to circulate air if the wheelie bin is not frequently serviced, but the perforations also serve as a styling option, let alone deter graffiti.

    Draffin Street furniture offers a range of standard perforation options to choose from. The options can be found listed in this guide and on every Hub Bin Surround product page listing.

  3. 03.

    Hub bin surrounds come in three standard cover types. Choose the cover that suits your application. Sloped Covers have a sloped roof that is designed to allow rain and debris to fall away easily, Flat Canopy Covers have one (front) or two (front and back) openings for increased access. And a Cover with Integrated Sign model that can be used to educate users of the waste type the bin accepts.

    Choose from frogmouth, round recycle and frogmouth recycle openings depending on your application. Public recycling waste bins usually provide smaller openings to limit the size and type of waste that can be placed inside.

  4. 04.

    Portable Wheelie Bin SurroundsHub Bin Surrounds can be specified with powdercoated mild steel panels in any colour, or two stainless steel grades. For extra styling options, you could specify a different material/colour for the openings or panels like this triple bay set with colour coded front panels and “Monument” side and roof panels.

    Corrosion resistance for all material choices is very high but do defer depending on the material selected:

    Zinc Plated Mild Steel – Once Draffin’s zinc plated mild steel/powdercoated panels have been carefully prepared, the combination has been proven to endure year in, year out for notably longer that some of our competitors’ products. It is important to ensure placement of mild steel products is sufficiently located away from coastal locations to ensure high performance.

    304 Grade Stainless Steel – 304 performs relatively the same as mild steel/powdercoat options, so placement away from coastal locations is recommended. An electroplate process can be optioned that increases corrosion resistant performance and increases the materials lustre.

    316 Grade Stainless Steel – 316 is considered “Marine Grade” and recommended for coastal installations. The increased nickel and added molybdenum composition in 316 stainless steel enhances corrosion resistance. Electroplating 316 grade stainless steel ensures the highest level of corrosion resistance in the harshest environments.

    Draffin Street Furniture’s understanding of material endurance is backed by ASSDA (Australian Stainless Steel Development Association) For more information on stainless steel, read our handy guide:

  5. 05.

    Waste separation starts at the bin. Make it easy to identify the type of waste the bin accepts by adding signage. A standard decal guide is available for you to choose appropriate signage for your bin surrounds. It lists decals and other signage options available including sign plates, laser cut signage and custom options.

    A new range of decals were designed for Hub, primarily to facilitate the Hub Bin Surround with Sign, but can be applied to the door of any bin surround as well. These decals provide more detail to what can and cannot be placed in each bin. Not all recycling programs are the same throughout Australia, so they can be customised with unique messaging to educate the user on recycling in your area. Consult the signage guide for more information.

  6. 06.

    Hub Bin Surrounds come with 3 lock options:

    • Choose from an 8mm tri-key cam lock, accessed only by authorised people with an 8mm tri-key. This stops public access to the wheelie bin.
    • Or choose magnetic latches. The door can be opened by anyone, however the door will remain held closed even in strong winds, unless someone opens it.
    • The third lock option is to choose both, a cam lock and magnetic latches.


Further Customisation on Hub Bin Surrounds

The website provides a basic guide to the standard options available to the Hub Bin Surround. But if the standard options are not what you are looking for, contact our friendly and knowledgeable sales team. They can work closely with you and our engineers to create the perfect bin surround for your application.

Hub Bin Surround Product Pages

Draffin Street Furniture