All Draffin Street Furniture products are designed and built with reliability in mind. Made with high quality materials and backed with common sense engineering and manufacturing processes to ensure high level performance and long life outdoors in public spaces. You shouldn’t expect anything less in this industry…
It is a demanding life as an outdoor public piece of furniture. There are two major factors that play a big part in the life expectancy of these products:
- Climate. Extreme heat and cold, sun, snow, coastal winds and sea spray, etcetera…
- Public use and abuse. Who knows what the furniture will be used for other than what it was designed for?
Consider those two things while also expecting the furniture to perform reliably year after year….. yep, it is a big ask!
Reliability Built-In
The Parks Funiture Suite goes beyond the high standard level of reliability Draffin Street Furniture strives for. Developed for Parks Victoria the suite consists of a range of simple and robust furniture that uses uprated materials for extra dependability.
Larger Battens
Enviroslat Battens shown here on a 2.7m long Parks Bench with Armrests
Our Spotted Gum is used across all our furniture ranges. Class 1, PEFC certified furniture grade timber. Chosen for its resilience in all Australian climates. A dense timber with a wavy grain that promotes higher strength. The Spotted Gum timber profile used for Parks furniture – 135mm x 35mm
Enviroslat Composite Battens are made from recycled plastic and timber waste. The bonded materials form a highly resilient batten material that won’t rot or split and is termite proof. This makes it a great choice for remote locations that don’t receive regular maintenance. A slightly thicker batten profile is used – 140mm x 35mm
Thicker Frame Materials
Thick C-channel leg support shown here on a standard length Parks Table Setting
To ensure uncompromising performance, all frames are made from thicker materials. 7.5mm C channel is used on most leg supports, whether bolt down or inground. 8mm thick cross bracing is used between most leg supports. Choose between galvanised mild steel or stainless-steel construction.
Powdercoat – choose to powdercoat finish galvanised steel in a range of colours available in our colour guide.
Stainless Steel – Depending on the application, choose from 304 or 316 grade stainless steel in brush or blast finishes.
Fully Welded Frames
Pictured here, this Parks Seat with Back features fully welded frames
Fully welded furniture eliminates potential fastener failure. This is therefore considered the most reliable method of street furniture construction. For the highest strength and reliability, seam welds are used everywhere a part meets another, along the entire joint.
Reinforced Batten Support
Rigid batten support shown here on a Parks Platform Bench
To ensure the battens are mounted extra secure and eliminate torsional stress, all battens are fully supported underneath. The fully welded frames have been designed to take the weight stress from the battens where possible and share the load with neighbouring battens where frame support is limited. This design ensures rigid construction throughout every product.
Back to Basics – Materials
Parks Suite Furniture can be considered “Extremely Durable”. Extremely rugged and robust outdoor furniture is basic in design for the simple reason that less can go wrong. Thicker material sections reduce stress on all components. From the tables to the benches, through to the seats, options are limited to tried and tested select materials. Selecting the right material for the climate where the furniture will be installed ensures longer life performance. Maintenance on any of these materials will always improve their appearance (i.e. cleaning) however some materials perform well long into the future without it.
Spotted Gum Battens – The natural choice. Timber is almost always preferred over other batten materials but does come with a greater need for maintenance to keep them looking good. Oiling the timbers will stave off the effects of UV damage and rejuvenate the natural finish, and inspection of the timber annually is recommended to ensure safe public use.
Service life: 10 – 20 years depending on maintenance.
Enviroslat Composite Battens – This composite material is weaker than Spotted Gum, however at this profile size will overcome any strength issues that arise from use as public furniture. Enviroslat battens wont rot or split and won’t require regular maintenance besides an occasional pressure wash if required.
Service life: 10 – 25+ years with little to no maintenance.
Galvanised Mild Steel Frames – A economical choice, and ideal for use away from coastal areas. The galvanisation process is applied to protect the frames from corrosion. The hot-dipped galvanised appearance is an accepted finish for public furniture but can also be powdercoated to change its appearance and suit the area where the furniture will be installed. There is also a noted increase in corrosion protection once a powdercoat colour is added.
Service life: 10 – 25+ years with little to no maintenance.
Stainless Steel Frames – Available in 304 grade for non-coastal applications, and 316 “marine” grade stainless steel is recommended when installing in coastal areas. Either grade can be finished in a smooth “brushed” look, or a textured “blasted” finish at your preference. Both finishes have a very high level of corrosion resistance. Stainless steel can also be powdercoated if required however, generally, brushed or blasted finishes are selected as stainless steel has its own unique appeal and powder coating can add to the costs in manufacturing the furniture.
Service life: 100+ years (316 grade) with no maintenance.